Another hardy fig tree that can grow and bear fruit in our climate is called Bornholm.

The fruit is large – approx. 6 cm long and 4-5 cm wide. The skin is green and becomes bright brownish-red closer to maturity, the flesh is pink. Its taste is sweet and juicy, but perhaps not as strong as that of southern varieties. It ripens from mid-summer to the end of August.

Bornholm is a Danish island in the Baltic Sea, east of most of Denmark, south of Sweden and north of Poland.

The main economic activities on the island include fishing, dairy farming, and crafts such as glass production and ceramics. Tourism is important during the summer because the temperate climate makes Bornholm an ideal location for sailing and other water sports.

The origin of the Bornholm fig is very uncertain. It's not clear if it's just one variety. Some of the figs growing on Bornholm may have been introduced from Italy by artists living on Bornholm, or by Danish sailors who sailed the Mediterranean Sea, and there are probably several variants of this fig.

It grows reliably and bears fruit even in the climatic conditions of Central Europe. This is the result of the selection of the Brown Turkey variety, it is characterized by increased moisture resistance. This variety belongs to the Adriatic group of parthenocarpic varieties that do not need Blastophaga psenes for pollination.

Strength: moderate, wide crown, older trees reach a height of about 2.5 m

Fruits: large, weighing 50 to 60 g, green-red-brown in color, light red inside, aromatic and sweet

. Season: The first crop is smaller and starts from mid-July. The main harvest ripens from mid-August and is significantly larger.

Disease resistance: in our conditions there is no known susceptibility to fungal diseases or pests

Frost resistance: down to -18°C

Young fig plants should not be planted directly outdoors. Only after three years in a pot with frost-free wintering are the trees stable enough to withstand more severe frosts. It is advisable to provide winter protection, especially for younger trees. The root area can be protected with a thick layer of leaf mulch or straw.


Još jedna izdržljiva smokva koja može rasti I donositi plod u našoj klimi zove se Bornholm.

Plod je krupan – cca. 6 cm dužine i 4-5 cm širine. Kožica je zelena i postaje svijetlo smeđkasto crvena bliže zrelosti, meso je ružičasto. Okus mu je sladak i sočan, ali možda ne tako jak kao kod južnih sorti. Dozrijeva od sredine ljeta do kraja avgusta. 
Bornholm je dansko ostrvo u Baltičkom moru, istočno od većeg djela Danske, južno od Švedske i sjeverno od Poljske. Glavne privredne aktivnosti na otoku uključuju ribarstvo, uzgoj mlijeka i zanate kao što su proizvodnja stakla i keramika. Turizam je važan tokom ljeta jer umjerena klima čini Bornholm idealnom lokacijom za jedrenje i druge sportove na vodi.
Porijeklo Bornholmske smokve vrlo je neizvjesno. Nije jasno ni da li je u pitanju samo jedna sorta. Neke smokve koje rastu na Bornholmu mogle su biti uvedene iz Italije od strane umjetnika koji žive na Bornholmu, ili od strane danskih pomoraca koji su plovili Sredozemnim morem i vjerovatno postoji nekoliko varijanti ove smokve.
Pouzdano raste i donosi plodove čak i u klimatskim uslovima srednje Evrope. To je rezultat selekcije sorte Brown Turkey, karakteriše ga povećana otpornost na vlagu. Ova sorta pripada jadranskoj grupi partenokarpnih sorti kojima nije potreban Blastophaga psenes za oprašivanje.
Snaga: umjerena, široka krošnja, starija stabla dostižu visinu od oko 2,5 m
Plodovi: veliki, težine 50 do 60 g, zeleno-crveno-braon boje, iznutra svijetlocrveni, aromatični i slatki
. sezona: prvi rod je manji i počinje od sredine jula. Glavna berba sazrijeva od sredine avgusta i znatno je veća.
Otpornost na bolesti: u našim uslovima nije poznata osetljivost na gljivične bolesti ili štetočine
Otpornost na mraz: do -18°C
Mlade biljke smokava ne bi trebalo saditi direktno na otvorenom. Tek nakon tri godine u posudi sa zimovanjem bez mraza stabla su dovoljno stabilna da izdrže jače mrazeve. Preporučljivo je obezbijediti zimsku zaštitu, posebno za mlađa stabla. Područje korijena može se zaštititi debelim slojem malča od lišća ili slame.