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Black Donov
Black Donov Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Introduced By:
Kiril Donov (Kiro, Donov) -
Bulgaria -
Main Flavor Group:
Bordeaux - Sweet with a rich berry flavor and slightly complex undertones, Bordeaux figs offer a deep, jammy taste when fully ripe. Otherwise, they present a standard dark flavor with subtle earthiness. -
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
N/A -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
early -
Difficult -
Breba Crop:
Yes -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
small -
Skin Toughness:
soft -
Fruit Size:
Medium -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
Vigorous -
External Links:
Black Donov introduced by Kiril Donov, previously from Europe but who now lives in Florida.
After conducting preliminary research, here’s what I’ve found so far:
Common Type Likelihood:
- Most sources indicate that the Black Donov fig is a common type fig. This means it is parthenocarpic and does not require pollination ( Caprification ) to produce fruit.
- Common type figs are the most widely grown by home gardeners and enthusiasts because they are self-fruitful and easier to cultivate.
Smyrna Type Unlikely:
- Smyrna figs require pollination by fig wasps to produce fruit, and they are typically grown in regions where the fig Wasp is present (e.g., Mediterranean climates).
- There is no evidence suggesting that the Black Donov fig requires pollination or is grown in regions where Smyrna -type cultivation is common.
Supporting Evidence:
- Fig enthusiast forums (e.g., describe the Black Donov as a common type fig, noting its ability to produce fruit without pollination.
- Its cultivation in non-Mediterranean climates (e.g., the United States) further supports its classification as a common type.
Kiril Donov:
This variety appeared from a seedling, a product of occasional hybridization between the fig varieties in our experimental field. One of the parents is most probably a Michurinska-10 fig, but this variety has a slightly lower cold hardiness, compared to Michurinska-10. The name Black Donov was given by our customers as a temporary working name and we started to use it.
The fruits of this variety have the best market characteristics of all varieties that we have in our experimental field. The fruits are medium large. The eye is closed. The skin has attractive dark purple to Black color. The meat is tasty and juicy, with well balanced sweetness and acidity. The fruits are best consumed when they are well softened and slightly Overripe .
Very controversial variety....
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