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El Molino
El Molino Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
El Molino Unk., El Molino Unknown, Raspberry El Molino, Raspberry El Molino Unk.
Introduced By:
Igor (greenfig) -
California -
Main Flavor Group:
Bordeaux - Sweet with a rich berry flavor and slightly complex undertones, Bordeaux figs offer a deep, jammy taste when fully ripe. Otherwise, they present a standard dark flavor with subtle earthiness. -
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
Yes -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
Difficult -
Main Season:
any -
Difficult -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
small -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
Medium -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
Medium -
External Links:
Tends to drop fruit when young, but a highly regarded fig. It has finally been found to produce outside of Wasp territory, but may take a few years.
Altadena Mara on 8-05-17:
The taste was excellent, even in the heat wave we've been having. The sweet berry flavor was as intense as Strawberry Verte and Mavra Sika if not more so, with an additional Acid twang I haven't found in other figs yet this year. What made it especially good was a sweetness in the skin that contrasted with the strong berry and Acid kick of the pulp. Yumm.
When found by Igor (greenfig), he posted this on 7-12-13:
Hi all,
I was driving today in an LA suburb and noticed a nice fig tree with dark leaves, it was growing in an apartment building yard, overhanging the fence.
Could you help me to identify the fig, please?
Relevant info:
-the tree seems to be planted, not a seedling
-small tight eye
-very red flesh, completely filled inside, no void
-the taste is very raspberry, slightly acidic, excellent !!! (that's the main thing !!! :)
-the shape is flattish, about 2" in the widest part
-the fruit color is not super dark, more like brownish at the top and blackish near the eye
-it seems the tree has the Breba and the Main crop figs
-leaves are 1 to 3 lobes (but mostly 1)
-the tree is not huge, maybe 12 FT high
The tree is covered with figs ( Main crop ) that are not ripe yet, I managed to find 2 brebas that you can see on the photos.
Any ideas?
I was driving today in an LA suburb and noticed a nice fig tree with dark leaves, it was growing in an apartment building yard, overhanging the fence.
Could you help me to identify the fig, please?
Relevant info:
-the tree seems to be planted, not a seedling
-small tight eye
-very red flesh, completely filled inside, no void
-the taste is very raspberry, slightly acidic, excellent !!! (that's the main thing !!! :)
-the shape is flattish, about 2" in the widest part
-the fruit color is not super dark, more like brownish at the top and blackish near the eye
-it seems the tree has the Breba and the Main crop figs
-leaves are 1 to 3 lobes (but mostly 1)
-the tree is not huge, maybe 12 FT high
The tree is covered with figs ( Main crop ) that are not ripe yet, I managed to find 2 brebas that you can see on the photos.
Any ideas?
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