Honey- offers a delicate and smooth sweetness with a warm, golden richness. It brings a soft, floral depth to the flavor, creating a naturally sweet and mellow experience.
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable
kadota fig smaller than desert king larger than Peter's honey larger than latturla italian honey has an open eye can split during rainy summer when ripe very good size and taste compared to store-bought kadota. i never thought i would like it since everyone say it is not good taste bland and the store bought one also made me never what to look at kadota but hey im glad i tried it.
Very good honey fig. Very sweet and juicy. Somewhat of a slow grower but producing a lot figs. When caprified the figs can be large over 100g but in general a medium size fruit. It’s a great fig to grow in CA.
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