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Col de Dame Grise NOT
Col de Dame Grise NOT Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Col de Dame Grise (VS), CdDG Not, CdDG VS
Possibly LSU Scott's Black -
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Bordeaux - Sweet with a rich berry flavor and slightly complex undertones, Bordeaux figs offer a deep, jammy taste when fully ripe. Otherwise, they present a standard dark flavor with subtle earthiness. -
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
mid -
Average -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
open -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
Medium to large -
Rain Resistance:
Average -
Tree Vigor:
Vigorous -
External Links:
I just went over a few threads from 2016/ 2017 when all the mess started about the CDDG that I got got from Vasile. Vasile stood by his word that it was real and it may have mutated. I’ve always looked to him and a few others for knowledge and guidance with my fig endeavor when I started collecting and had no reason not to believe him but with so many convinced…….even tho I wasnt actually ever 100% convinced either way, the majority ruled.
When this took place it was right before I moved and had to start all my trees over. I have a “real” cddg and what everyone calls CDDG Not. The leaf patterns have always been the same but the “real” version was super slow growing, almost not growing most Of the time it seemed, never becoming more then a whip. The “real” put out just few figs, that had the neck and right characteristic so it left no doubt from the start.
Now on the other hand….the “not” or “ VS ” as its known was always super vigorous and way more productive with excellent figs…..ROUND and with out the neck, but some of the best figs Ive ever had. they looked like the ones on the other CDDG just with out the neck……they also ripened at the same time in my yard. The “real” cddg froze to the ground every year where as the “not” didnt.
I thought/hoped to see this one day………. and here it is almost 4 years later. I sent the pics to a couple of the most reputable/respected and well known collectors and they agreed with me.
I think maybe this is a healthier and more vigorous version and being it was so vigorous before it slowed its roll a little it can put more into the figs themselves and can fill out the neck (speculation) and possibly the “real” is weak cddg strain. I would like to think that it is safe to say that anyone who bought the CDDG from me…ebay ID Rtreuil1 can take the “Not” off the name…..maybe keep the “ VS ” to know it superior and not inferior. I know I posted that this was one of the best figs I’ve collected when it was making headlines a few years back. Please tell me that some you especially those who got one from me is seeing the same.
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