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Cuore Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Rubado, Roubauda Blanca, Arbauda, Corazon, Ficus carica richardia Risso -
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
N/A -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
N/A -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
N/A -
External Links:
Please refer to Rubado
Condit Monograph
Cuore (syns. Rubado, Roubauda Blanca, Arbauda, Corazon, Ficus carica richardia Risso). Described by Gallesio (1817), Risso (1826), Sauvaigo (1889) Eisen (1901, with illustration), Simonet et al. (1945), and Tamaro (1948) According to Gallesio, the name Cuore was given to this variety because the fruit is somewhat heart-shaped. It was designated richardia by Risso in honor of Professor Richard, of Paris. The variety is much prized as a table fig in Italy, especially in Umbria, Sabina, and in the vicinity of Rome the Genoese know it as Rubado. Gallesio stated that it was not found in Provence or in Spain; but Eisen reported its culture in Provence, as well as in northern Italy. Rubado has been reported under trial by both the California and the Texas Experiment Stations; but its proper identity has not been established. According to Van Deman (1890), cuttings of Rubado were distributed from Washington, D.C.
The tree reaches moderate size, with small, 3- to 5-lobed leaves; first crop very light, or none. Second-crop figs (according to Eisen) above medium to large, 2-3/4 inches long by 2 inches in diameter, oblong to turbinate, gradually tapering toward the short stalk; skin thick, checking crisscross, adherent to the meat; color green, tinged brown in the sun, and ashy gray in the shade; eye reddish, with gum exuding at maturity; pulp red, sweet, rather sharp or caustic to the taste, and not so delicately flavored as Pissalutto or Dottato. Skin is tough in texture when dried. Season late.
Cuore (syns. Rubado, Roubauda Blanca, Arbauda, Corazon, Ficus carica richardia Risso). Described by Gallesio (1817), Risso (1826), Sauvaigo (1889) Eisen (1901, with illustration), Simonet et al. (1945), and Tamaro (1948) According to Gallesio, the name Cuore was given to this variety because the fruit is somewhat heart-shaped. It was designated richardia by Risso in honor of Professor Richard, of Paris. The variety is much prized as a table fig in Italy, especially in Umbria, Sabina, and in the vicinity of Rome the Genoese know it as Rubado. Gallesio stated that it was not found in Provence or in Spain; but Eisen reported its culture in Provence, as well as in northern Italy. Rubado has been reported under trial by both the California and the Texas Experiment Stations; but its proper identity has not been established. According to Van Deman (1890), cuttings of Rubado were distributed from Washington, D.C.
The tree reaches moderate size, with small, 3- to 5-lobed leaves; first crop very light, or none. Second-crop figs (according to Eisen) above medium to large, 2-3/4 inches long by 2 inches in diameter, oblong to turbinate, gradually tapering toward the short stalk; skin thick, checking crisscross, adherent to the meat; color green, tinged brown in the sun, and ashy gray in the shade; eye reddish, with gum exuding at maturity; pulp red, sweet, rather sharp or caustic to the taste, and not so delicately flavored as Pissalutto or Dottato. Skin is tough in texture when dried. Season late.
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