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The Sisters
The Sisters Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
TS, Sisters, TFH-0065
Introduced By:
The Fig Hunter® (David Burke) -
California -
Main Flavor Group:
Adriatic - delivers a balanced sweetness with a refreshing, light flavor. It combines subtle berry-like notes. Yellow or green skin and usually red pulp, with more complex additional flavors developing when fully ripe. -
Family Group:
Adriatic -
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
Yes -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
mid -
Average -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
mild -
open -
Skin Toughness:
moderate -
Fruit Size:
Small -
Rain Resistance:
Average -
Tree Vigor:
Vigorous -
External Links:

From David:
This is a truly beautiful fig. Found high in the mountains somewhere on the border of Tehama and Trinity county, according to the ranch hands it has been on the property for as long as anyone remembers. The reclaimed ranch was once part of the 80,000 acre Diamond Ranch which stretched all the way to Cottonwood, CA. Unfortunately, the ranch hands charged with maintaining this portion have been directed to clear the trees for the purpose of building a new fence. We were fortunate that they were gracious and allowed us the opportunity to claim some cuttings before it may be gone. They also gave us information to track down the family that has owned the ranch for generations, as they no longer live in the area.
The fig itself is intriguing; having what can be described as a bubbled stem, beautiful yellow skin when ripe, and a magenta colored eye. Its just a one of a king find for this area of Northern California.
Venturabananas 8-15-2022
This fig was intensely colored and flavored. Very sweet and very tart, a combination that I love -- and in my experience, is only achievable (the acidity) with pollination. It had thick, jammy pulp, almost like a Col DE Dame. I didn't detect any recognizable flavors, but it is definitely a "berry flavored fig".
It was bigger than I expected based on photos I've seen -- it was a medium size fig.
The only thing I didn't love is the skin is quite hairy.
Venturabananas 8-23-2022
I had my first unpollinated one yesterday. It was not in the same league as the pollinated ones. Mostly just a sweet fig. Not much else going on for me taste-wise.
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