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Verdolino Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Verdoso, Verdillo, Verdion, #231 (By Mario), Verdino del Nord
Introduced By:
Dr. Paolo Belloni (Pomona Gardens) -
Italy -
Main Flavor Group:
Adriatic - delivers a balanced sweetness with a refreshing, light flavor. It combines subtle berry-like notes. Yellow or green skin and usually red pulp, with more complex additional flavors developing when fully ripe. -
Family Group:
Adriatic -
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
Yes -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
Excellent -
Main Season:
early -
Average -
Breba Crop:
Yes -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
small -
Skin Toughness:
moderate -
Fruit Size:
Medium -
Rain Resistance:
Excellent -
Tree Vigor:
Medium -
External Links:
This variety is part of Paolo Belloni's collection at Pomona Gardens in Italy. There was a collector in the US named Mario that introduced this variety to many other growers. Verdolino is a berry fig with an elongated shape that performs well in wet and humid growing conditions. It is also seems to ripen early.
Condit Monograph
Verdino: Described and illustrated by Baldini (1953) from Firenze [semi-northern], Italy, producing one crop only.
Tree vigorous; terminal buds green. Leaves mostly 3-lobed; sinuses shallow, narrow; base cordate; margins almost entire. Figs pyriform, with short, slender neck; eye small, open, with rosy scales; stalk short; skin checking at maturity, dark green in color; pulp red. Consumed mostly fresh.
Verdino: Described and illustrated by Baldini (1953) from Firenze [semi-northern], Italy, producing one crop only.
Tree vigorous; terminal buds green. Leaves mostly 3-lobed; sinuses shallow, narrow; base cordate; margins almost entire. Figs pyriform, with short, slender neck; eye small, open, with rosy scales; stalk short; skin checking at maturity, dark green in color; pulp red. Consumed mostly fresh.
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