blackear From Zone 10 On Apr 09 2021
"Let's talk about another great variety that doesn't get too much press, Longue d'Aout. Likely the hardiest French fig, up there with Ronde de Bordeaux, it's name translates to 'Long of August'. Reportedly it was planted at Versailles in the 1700's, so it has been around for a very long time.It sets a unique breba crop. The fruits are very large and long, similar to a banana with a light red interior that ripen in July. The brebas are not very good quality, unfortunately. The main crop figs are not as large, they are round but still of good size with good flavor and sweetness. Main crop ripens end of August through October.
They bear very well in wet weather and rain, but do lose some sweetness. According to Baud they dislike heavy soil more than other varieties. It is capable of fruiting after being killed to the ground, as it did in NJ and VA after the winter of 2013/2014. I find the leaves quite attractive with a serrated margin, even on young cuttings.
It has many synonyms and is most likely the same as or very similar to: Nordland, Niagara Black, Melanzana Merdascola, Jerusalem, and Slocan.