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Verte Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
DFIC 26, DFIC 77, Calverte, Coeur, Cur, DeCour, DeCuers, Des Dames, Ficus carica aulica Risso, Figue d'Espagne, Figue d'Hiver, Green, Green Ischia, Ischia Green, Narragansett, New Green, New Verteischia Green, Trompe-Cassaire, Trompe-Chasseur, Verdale, Verdalle -
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Adriatic - delivers a balanced sweetness with a refreshing, light flavor. It combines subtle berry-like notes. Yellow or green skin and usually red pulp, with more complex additional flavors developing when fully ripe. -
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
N/A -
Container Variety:
N/A -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
N/A -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
N/A -
External Links:
Condit Monograph
Verte: (syns. Cœur, DE Cour, DE Cuers, Verdalle, Verdale, Des Dames, Figue d'Espagne, Trompe-Chasseur, Trompe-Cassaire, Ischia Green, Figue d'Hiver, Ficus carica aulica Risso). Described as Verte by Merlet (1667), La Quintinie (1692), Tournefort (1700), Liger (1702), Garidel (1715), Langley (1728), La Brousse (1774), Rozier (1805), Duhamel (1809), Christ (1812), Lamarck (1817), Bory DE Saint Vincent (1824), Couverchel (1839), and Leclerc (1925). Described as DE Cour or DE Cuers by Bernard (1787), Risso (1826), Du Breuil (1876), and Eisen (1901). Described as Verdale by La Brousse (1774), Hogg (1866), and Société' Pomologique DE France (1947, probably). Described as Trompe-Chasseur or Trompe-Cassaire by Sauvaigo (1889) and Simonet et al. (1945). Described as Ischia Green by Miller (1768), Hanbury (1770), Forsyth (1803), Brookshaw (1812), Green (1824), Lindley (1831), Burnette (1894), Earle (1900), Leclerc (1925), Stansel and Wyche (1932), and Condit (1947). See Rolland (1914) for synonymy. The fruits are illustrated in color by Duhamel and by Brookshaw.
Merlet described Figue Verte (also called Verdalle or Figue d'Espagne) as bearing few brebas, but many second-crop figs, some of which remain on the tree over winter and mature in the spring, hence the name, Figue d'Hiver. Garidel stated that it was also called Trompe-Cassaire because of its resemblance to Bourjassotte, which also hangs on the tree during winter. Eisen reported that this green fig appears unripe even when mature; therefore, it is called Trompe-Chasseur, ''hunter's deception.'' Couverchel listed it as Figue Verte des Dames or DE Guers, but did not explain the significance the latter name, which may be a corruption of DE Cuers. The suggestion of Rozier, that Verte might be the same as Ischia Green of Miller, is accepted as correct after comparison of descriptions by the various authors cited. Contrary to the reports of some horticulturists, such as Hogg, Eisen, Starnes, and Gould, Ischia Green and Ischia White are regarded here as distinct varieties. Sauvaigo referred Verte to Ficus carica falaciosa of Risso, but this Latin terminology has not been found in the 1826 edition of Risso, who described Figue DE Cour under F. carica aulica. Langley treated Verte as a green fig, called in France, Figue Verte and in Italy, Verdone. The latter, however, is regarded in this monograph as distinct.
Verte is reported to be one of the better figs of Provence, especially at Grasse and Toulon. English writers, beginning with Miller, state that the skin is thin, green, and when fully ripe, is stained by the meat to a brownish cast; also, that the interior purple color will stain linen or paper. As early as 1832, the William Kenrick Nursery, Newton, Massachusetts, offered for sale trees of Green Ischia at one dollar each. In 1894, Ischia Green was included in the Chiswick collection as P.I. No. 18,856. It has long been grown in the southern United States, but on account of confusion with Ischia White, reports on its behavior must be carefully evaluated. However, the variety has certainly not been nearly so well regarded or extensively planted as have Brown Turkey, Celeste (Malta), or Brunswick. A small commercial planting is on the place of Stoughton Sterling, Crisfield, Maryland. Two trees have been located in California dooryards; one in the yard of C. W. Gates, 128 Fey Drive, Burlingame; the other on the place of John Kruttschnitt, San Mateo. Ischia Green has been received and tested at Riverside with material from the following localities: Crisfield, Maryland; Sherman, Angleton, and San Antonio, Texas.
The fruit is late in maturing, but of good quality. The very light production of brebas, the small size of the main-crop figs, and its late season of maturity, are factors sufficient to prevent much extension of Verte, at least in California. A variety labeled Calvert, briefly described by Close (1933), was received in 1929 from the Angleton, Texas, station, numbered 8,370. This has proved to be identical with Verte at Riverside, and both are very similar to Col DE Dame.
Branches of the tree have terminal buds, green in color. Leaves below medium, glossy above, non lobed to 3-lobed; upper sinuses shallow; base broadly subcordate to truncate; margins coarsely crenate. Description is from figs produced at Riverside since 1942, and at Fresno in the season of 1953.
Brebas few, or rarely produced, as reported by Simonet; figs medium, pyriform, with prominent neck and short stalk; eye small, scales straw color; white flecks small, numerous, conspicuous; color green; bloom delicate; meat thin, violet; pulp strawberry.
Second-crop figs small; turbinate, without neck, or pyriform, with prominent, somewhat flattened neck; average weight 40 grams; stalk up to 1/4 inch long; eye small, fairly well closed, scales tawny; ribs narrow, fairly well elevated; white flecks scattered, conspicuous; color grass green; meat white; pulp dark strawberry; quality good. Season late.
Caprified figs have much the same characters, but the pulp is blood red in color. (Plate 17, C.)
Verte: (syns. Cœur, DE Cour, DE Cuers, Verdalle, Verdale, Des Dames, Figue d'Espagne, Trompe-Chasseur, Trompe-Cassaire, Ischia Green, Figue d'Hiver, Ficus carica aulica Risso). Described as Verte by Merlet (1667), La Quintinie (1692), Tournefort (1700), Liger (1702), Garidel (1715), Langley (1728), La Brousse (1774), Rozier (1805), Duhamel (1809), Christ (1812), Lamarck (1817), Bory DE Saint Vincent (1824), Couverchel (1839), and Leclerc (1925). Described as DE Cour or DE Cuers by Bernard (1787), Risso (1826), Du Breuil (1876), and Eisen (1901). Described as Verdale by La Brousse (1774), Hogg (1866), and Société' Pomologique DE France (1947, probably). Described as Trompe-Chasseur or Trompe-Cassaire by Sauvaigo (1889) and Simonet et al. (1945). Described as Ischia Green by Miller (1768), Hanbury (1770), Forsyth (1803), Brookshaw (1812), Green (1824), Lindley (1831), Burnette (1894), Earle (1900), Leclerc (1925), Stansel and Wyche (1932), and Condit (1947). See Rolland (1914) for synonymy. The fruits are illustrated in color by Duhamel and by Brookshaw.
Merlet described Figue Verte (also called Verdalle or Figue d'Espagne) as bearing few brebas, but many second-crop figs, some of which remain on the tree over winter and mature in the spring, hence the name, Figue d'Hiver. Garidel stated that it was also called Trompe-Cassaire because of its resemblance to Bourjassotte, which also hangs on the tree during winter. Eisen reported that this green fig appears unripe even when mature; therefore, it is called Trompe-Chasseur, ''hunter's deception.'' Couverchel listed it as Figue Verte des Dames or DE Guers, but did not explain the significance the latter name, which may be a corruption of DE Cuers. The suggestion of Rozier, that Verte might be the same as Ischia Green of Miller, is accepted as correct after comparison of descriptions by the various authors cited. Contrary to the reports of some horticulturists, such as Hogg, Eisen, Starnes, and Gould, Ischia Green and Ischia White are regarded here as distinct varieties. Sauvaigo referred Verte to Ficus carica falaciosa of Risso, but this Latin terminology has not been found in the 1826 edition of Risso, who described Figue DE Cour under F. carica aulica. Langley treated Verte as a green fig, called in France, Figue Verte and in Italy, Verdone. The latter, however, is regarded in this monograph as distinct.
Verte is reported to be one of the better figs of Provence, especially at Grasse and Toulon. English writers, beginning with Miller, state that the skin is thin, green, and when fully ripe, is stained by the meat to a brownish cast; also, that the interior purple color will stain linen or paper. As early as 1832, the William Kenrick Nursery, Newton, Massachusetts, offered for sale trees of Green Ischia at one dollar each. In 1894, Ischia Green was included in the Chiswick collection as P.I. No. 18,856. It has long been grown in the southern United States, but on account of confusion with Ischia White, reports on its behavior must be carefully evaluated. However, the variety has certainly not been nearly so well regarded or extensively planted as have Brown Turkey, Celeste (Malta), or Brunswick. A small commercial planting is on the place of Stoughton Sterling, Crisfield, Maryland. Two trees have been located in California dooryards; one in the yard of C. W. Gates, 128 Fey Drive, Burlingame; the other on the place of John Kruttschnitt, San Mateo. Ischia Green has been received and tested at Riverside with material from the following localities: Crisfield, Maryland; Sherman, Angleton, and San Antonio, Texas.
The fruit is late in maturing, but of good quality. The very light production of brebas, the small size of the main-crop figs, and its late season of maturity, are factors sufficient to prevent much extension of Verte, at least in California. A variety labeled Calvert, briefly described by Close (1933), was received in 1929 from the Angleton, Texas, station, numbered 8,370. This has proved to be identical with Verte at Riverside, and both are very similar to Col DE Dame.
Branches of the tree have terminal buds, green in color. Leaves below medium, glossy above, non lobed to 3-lobed; upper sinuses shallow; base broadly subcordate to truncate; margins coarsely crenate. Description is from figs produced at Riverside since 1942, and at Fresno in the season of 1953.
Brebas few, or rarely produced, as reported by Simonet; figs medium, pyriform, with prominent neck and short stalk; eye small, scales straw color; white flecks small, numerous, conspicuous; color green; bloom delicate; meat thin, violet; pulp strawberry.
Second-crop figs small; turbinate, without neck, or pyriform, with prominent, somewhat flattened neck; average weight 40 grams; stalk up to 1/4 inch long; eye small, fairly well closed, scales tawny; ribs narrow, fairly well elevated; white flecks scattered, conspicuous; color grass green; meat white; pulp dark strawberry; quality good. Season late.
Caprified figs have much the same characters, but the pulp is blood red in color. (Plate 17, C.)
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