DFIC 63, Vista (DFIC 259), Beer’s Black (DFIC 277), Albicougris, Angelique Black, Angelique Noire, Bordeaux, Beers Black, Figue de Bordeaux, Figue Poire, Figue Violette, Figuo Aubiquoun, Negronne, Petite, Petite Aubique, Petite Figue Violette, VdB, Violette
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Bordeaux - Sweet with a rich berry flavor and slightly complex undertones, Bordeaux figs offer a deep, jammy taste when fully ripe. Otherwise, they present a standard dark flavor with subtle earthiness.
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable
We put one in ground this year and it has done very well. Productive, mid-season and held up well to rain, although this was a dryer than usual summer. One of my best tasting figs so far and develops nice pools of nectar when left to ripen fully on the tree.
VDB takes a while to ripen but the fruit is well worth the wait if you can get ripe fruit. Very Vigorous Tree with unique leaves. Needs a good grow zone.
Very very productive. My only complaint is that it tends to split and fruit flies get to it faster than I could! Will try bagging with organza next year. Otherwise, the fruit it ripened during the dry early summer was tasty - was my dad's favorite variety, among RDB, LDA and White Marseilles when my parents came to visit.
Ive had this this fig tree for 3 years now, and each year it is pumping out more and more figs! This was the second (ever) fig I have tried, and I was very surprised as my first one was a brown turkey :- This fig should be everyone's first fig if they never tried one before. Its not the " best" fig around but its decent. Mine smells like cut cantaloupe melon, and the taste lingers in my mouth. Skin is very silky and light, very light seed crunch and medium sweetness, but the smell is what I like, I cut them and smell them, I find most people don't... I guess i'm just weird haha But this one is going in the ground this winter ( California winter). I've had no splitting with figs but then again we had no rain during the growing time. First fruit was ripe mid Aug. and the rest slowly went into mid Sept.
Not as productive as other varieties or as large but a very, very delicious flavor when it is left to start drying on the tree. Does tend to not like rain but when there is non and the sub is blazing, this fig does excellent.
A very pleasant and tasty fig! I have one in-ground and 3 in pots. The in-ground tree was planted 4 years ago (Summer '16) and while it took a couple of years to start producing on a large scale, it produces more figs than we can eat. It takes well to heavy pruning, I take it from 12' tall to ~4' tall every winter and it still produces like crazy.
Brebas are ok.
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