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A1 133
A1 133 Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
Introduced By:
Albania -
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
Yes -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
Difficult -
Breba Crop:
No -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
N/A -
Tree Vigor:
Vigorous -
External Links:
A1 133 is the mother tree in Albania. It was a large, spreading tree. Seeds were collected and propagated. Ten seedlings were grown and assigned as DFIC0164-1 through -10. Number 2 has apparently been lost.
Some of these varieties can be obtained from very avid fig collectors, but are extremely rare and may not be worthy of attention.
Accession was collected. 02-Sep-1996. Albania. Collectors: Garvey, Edward J., USDA , ARS; Muehlbauer, Fred J., USDA , ARS; Xhuveli, Lufter, Agricultural University of Tirana Comment: Locality: Further up beach on the Island of Frans Joesph. Habitat: Marshy area. Latitude: 41 deg. 50 min. 53 sec. North (41.848), Longitude: 019 deg. 22 min. 45 sec. East (19.379) (GPS coordinates) Elevation: 1 meter Accession was donated. 30-Sep-1996. Maryland United States. Donors: Garvey, Edward J., USDA , ARS; Comment: Donated to NCGR, Davis. [No observations exist in the NPGS ]
Accession was collected. 02-Sep-1996. Albania. Collectors: Garvey, Edward J., USDA , ARS; Muehlbauer, Fred J., USDA , ARS; Xhuveli, Lufter, Agricultural University of Tirana Comment: Locality: Further up beach on the Island of Frans Joesph. Habitat: Marshy area. Latitude: 41 deg. 50 min. 53 sec. North (41.848), Longitude: 019 deg. 22 min. 45 sec. East (19.379) (GPS coordinates) Elevation: 1 meter Accession was donated. 30-Sep-1996. Maryland United States. Donors: Garvey, Edward J., USDA , ARS; Comment: Donated to NCGR, Davis. [No observations exist in the NPGS ]
The mother fig tree was located just up the beach on the island of Frans Joesph in Albania. This variety 'A1 133' is actually 10 different seedlings of the same fig tree, collected in Albania. 'A1 133' is the group "name" for these 10 seedlings, which are known as DFIC0164-1 to -10. Number 2 has apparently been lost. This variety of fig tree is cultivated in the NCGR, Davis (National Californian Germplasm Repository - Davis) with the number ' DFIC 164' since September 30, 1996, when it entered the repository as a donation from the collector Edward J. Garvey, National Germplasm Res Lab.
The 'A1 133' fig tree is a large tree, with a scattered habit, very vigorous, very fertile in the fig harvest, the majority leaves of 7 lobes with lobes no. 2,3,4 and 5 large with a large indentation and lobes 1 and 7 small as spurs, also have 5-lobed leaves with little cleft. It is a uniferous variety of the Common Fig type, with an abundant production of tasteless figs.
Figs are of a medium type of about 30 grams, spheroidal in shape, with a very short neck; short and thick green stalk; Its epidermis has a light gray-green background color and on the color irregular grayish-brown spots, presenting numerous longitudinal cracks. The meat (mesocarp) of small size being greater in the area of the neck and white; medium-sized ostiolus; internal cavity absent with small and numerous achenes: light red juicy pulp, with a watery taste.
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