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Afgan A
Afgan A Information

Possible Synonyms / AKA:
DFIC 191, Afghan, P.I. No. 134,750, PI 134750
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable -
Cold Hardy:
Yes -
Container Variety:
Yes -
Easy Rooting:
N/A -
Main Season:
any -
Difficult -
Breba Crop:
N/A -
Seed Crunch:
N/A -
N/A -
Skin Toughness:
N/A -
Fruit Size:
N/A -
Rain Resistance:
Average -
Tree Vigor:
N/A -
External Links:
Donated from: California, United States (Comment: Donated to NCGR, Davis. Kennedy obtained from Edward Seligman (reputed Maryland importer) of the North American Fruit Explorers (NAFEX)). Maintained by the Natl. Germplasm Repository – Davis. NPGS received: 01-Feb-2001.
Probably Ficus carica ssp. Afghanistan. Twiggy growth and slow maturity.
This is historical information about this Accession . It no longer exists and can not be requested.
NPGS - DFIC -191-Genotype-Data-Observations.pdf"> NPGS - DFIC -191-Genotype-Data-Observations.pdf
Afghan A: Introduced from Afghanistan under P.I. No. 134,750, as a Hardy fig, able to withstand zero temperatures. At Riverside it produced small, purple figs with deep strawberry pulp that were of no particular value.
Fig Varieties: A Monograph by Ira J. Condit
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