DFIC 74, Coll de Dama Blanca, CdDB, Col de Dame, Col de Dame Blanc, Col de Señora Blanca, Col des Dames, Col di Signora, Col di Signora Bianca, Cuello de Dama Blanca, Ficus carica domina Risso, Figue des Dames, Fraga, Lucrezia, Pera, Col di signora, De la Pera, Catalana, Breva Q, Fraga, CdD Blanc
Introduced By:
Main Flavor Group:
Bordeaux - Sweet with a rich berry flavor and slightly complex undertones, Bordeaux figs offer a deep, jammy taste when fully ripe. Otherwise, they present a standard dark flavor with subtle earthiness.
Family Group:
Fig Type:
Common - Self fertile and will grow anywhere conditions are suitable
Not a huge producer or a huge fig but the taste is scrumptious and because we have a long growing season here, worth keeping in our collection. Great yellow colored skin with blood red pulp and light seed crunch. Delicious berry with slight acidity and sweetness.
This is one of the girls favorite thus far. I can't complain, it does taste very good for me too.
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