What I can glean from EU regs all Ficus Carica other than a few specific varieties from Israel require a certificate. No restriction from fig cuttings/ plants from EU countries. Try to find an EU supplier.........they can ship to Sweden without certificate.
Your State contact is;
Tracy Ayer
508 Highway 581 South
Goldsboro, NC 27530-7854
Office: (919) 221-6257
Cell: (919) 325-6873
E-mail: Tracy.J.Ayer@usda.gov
Amy Loftus (512-916-5241)
Joy Crump (804-226-5265)
I don't think they inspect your operation. They inspect your shipment. And issue certificate. Check with the below NC Rep. I think what they do is treat the cuttings with an insecticide prior to shipment.Here's where I'm at with the legalese: https://nationalplantboard.org/wp-content/uploads/docs/summaries/puerto_rico.pdf
Plants and plant products means all vegetable matter, including but not limited to trees, shrubs, vines, forages and farinaceous plants, grains, vegetables, cereals, and parts or plant products such as leaves, stems, branches, roots, fruits, flowers, bulbs, tubers, stolons, cuttings, buds, grafts, seeds, tree trunks and wood. Vegetative propagative material means all plants and plant products, trees, shrubs, vines, bulbs, cuttings, grafts, buds, and seeds cultivated, maintained for, or capable of propagation, distribution or sale.
All plants and/or vegetative propagating material introduced into Puerto Rico must be free from sand, soil, earth, and other foreign matter and must be accompanied by an inspection certificate issued by the governmental authorities in charge of enforcing plant quarantine regulations in the state, territory or district in the U.S. from which the material comes. The certificate must bear the name of the state, territory, district or country where the material was cultivated; the name and address of the consignee and importer; and the accepted common name or scientific name of the plant. It must also indicate that the material was duly inspected and is apparently free of plant pests. The material must meet all applicable federal quarantines.
You don't know this about me yet, but I detest government, and the idea of inviting them to CERTIFY my operation sickens me. I'm figuring this out for you, but it's Uncle Sam that's causing problems.
Your State contact is;
Plant & Plant Products Exports
Export Certification Specialist:Tracy Ayer
508 Highway 581 South
Goldsboro, NC 27530-7854
Office: (919) 221-6257
Cell: (919) 325-6873
E-mail: Tracy.J.Ayer@usda.gov
Amy Loftus (512-916-5241)
Joy Crump (804-226-5265)